The books on the Mystical Exegesis of Sura al-Ikhlas


In this article, we will investigate the content and method of the books (risala) written separetly for the exegesis of Sura al-Ikhlas which narrates the fundamental characters of the divinity of God. The article particularly focuses on range of 24 authors ranging from Hallaj al-Mansur to Sheikh al-Islam Musa Kazım Efendi, all of whom share a Sûfî identity. In their books (risala) on Sura al-Ikhlas we can identify three main hermeneutical acts which cannot be disconnected from each other. First, they are attached to the tradition of Ibn Sina’s theoritical exegesis of Sura al-Ikhlas. Secondly, they claim to prove the view of the unity of being in their interpretation. Lastly, they present an occultist view by highlighting the secret aspects of this Sura.

Keywords: Tasawwuf, işari tevil, Sura Ikhlas.

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