Ottoman Kalam Classics: el-Meâlim fî İlmi'l-Kelâm

Within the scope of this paper, we attempt to evaluate a classicalwork of Islamic theology, al-Ma'âlim fî 'İlm al-Kalâm authored by Tashkubrizade Ahmed Efendi (1495-1561). In the process, we started with a chronological identification of the texts that mention el-Ma'âlim. After providing a brief description of the only manuscript copy of Ma'âlim, we delved into further details about its authorship, sections, contents and methods. Additionally, we conducted a content comparison between Ma'âlim and two earlier classical sources, al-Mavâkıf and al-Maqasid. Finally, we attempted to identify the sources on which Ma'âlim was based.


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