Festschrifts: The Meeting Places of Art History, Architecture History and Archeology

Despite constituting an increasingly popular phenomenon in Turkey, Festschrift has not yet been transformed into a separate theoretical subject. On the other hand, it has already settled into minds as an emotional motto. One of the fields in Turkey wherein this phenomenon is deemed more visible is art history. Art history has to be considered together with architectural history and archeology. The art historical tradition beginning in the 1960s is still in progress today with considerable intensification after the year 2000. This study has located forty-three Festschrifts for forty names in art history and architectural history in between 1963 and 2009. In archeology, twenty-three Festschrifts have been published. This article primarily contains some mental exercise on this phenomenon and briefly introduces the Festschrifts in the fields of art history, architectural history and archeology. This is accompanied by brief commentary on their contents and bibliographies of Festschrifts and selected articles. Examples are restricted to the areas of art history, architectural history and archeology.


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