The Song of Bitter Grief: Firâk-nâmes in Old Turkish Literature

The aim of this study is to introduce and evaluate the firak-names written with similar titles in the Turkish Literature, which have connotation of seperation. Some 25 works studied here indicate that firaknames were written as serguzefltname, elegy and letter. The terci-i bend titled “Mersiye-i Mahsusa-i Firkat-nümâ der hakk-ı Cenâb-ı Hüseyn-i Şehid-i Kerbelâ” which was written by a poet called Aziz is mersiye (elegy) of Karbala which can be included in the genre of elogy as well. Firak-ı Irak, a work of Süleyman Nazif, is one of the latest samples of the city mersiyes which have a long tradition. As for the firakname of Kad› Hasan, it was translated from the Arabian Nights Stories.


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